How to Make a Group Chat in Instagram?

Please let me know that how to make a group chat in Instagram. I am facing some issues while trying to do group chat. Help me.


1  Ans 7 hours ago

Make a Group Chat on Instagram:

Do you wish to know how to make a group chat on Instagram? Also, do you want to know how to invite people to a group chat? If yes, then in this article you will learn how to do that on the website and the Instagram app.

How to Create a Group Chat?

It is very easy to create a group chat on Instagram on iOS and Android devices. Below, we have mentioned the steps of how to create a group chat. 

Step 1: Select the Direct message arrow on Instagram. 

Step 2: Choose the option of "Create a New Message". 

Step 3: Enter the names of two people whom you wish to add to the group chat. After that, check the boxes in the suggested column. 

Step 4: Select Chat. 

Step 5:Type the message that you wish to send to your friends and then hit Send. The message will be sent to the group. 

How should I Create a Group Chat on a Website? 

Creating a group chat on the Instagram website is very similar to the process of creating a group chat on the Instagram app.

Below are the steps that you need to follow for the same. 

Step 1: Open your web browser and then go to the Instagram website. After that, click on the arrow icon given at the top-right corner. 

Step 2: Select Send Message. 

Step 3: Enter the names of the people you want to add to the group chat or select their names. 

Step 4: After that, select Next. 

Step 5: Enter the message that you wish to send to your friends. 

How can I Invite People to an Existing Group Chat? 

If you wish to add more people to an existing group chat, the process takes a while on the website or the Instagram app.

Below are the steps that you need to perform to invite new people to an existing group chat. 

Step 1: Select the name of the group on the top of the screen. 

Step 2: After that, select Add People. 

Step 3: Add people by selecting people from the list or entering their names in the suggested list. 

Step 4: Select Next. 

Step 5: Then, add to confirm the list of people. These people will get added to an existing group chat and will be able to see all the old messages. 

Step 6: The new additions will become a part of the group chat. 

What to Do in a Group Chat on Instagram?

In a group chat, you can do all the things that you do in a private chat.

Below is the overview of the same. 

Send Links: You can send links to other people in the group chat.

Send Photos: You can also send pictures and videos in the group chat

Send Files or Stickers: If you want, you can send stickers and files privately through the group chat.

Rename the Group: You can change the name of the group to something memorable. This way, it becomes easier to spot the group name from the list. 

Make Video Calls: You can also make a group video all in aggroup chat. 

You can Make Other People Admins: You can give admin rights to the other members of the group.

  • Steffan
  • 01 February 2024

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